The GEF sees great potential in our partnership with the JuST Institute on financial inclusivity for climate and biodiversity impact. Together, and with an expanding network of microfinance partners, we are helping smallholder farmers strengthen their resilience to climate impacts through nature-based solutions.
@ the Just Sustainability Transitions Institute "JuST Institute"
We provide state of art methods, products & services to mainstream investments & capacity building for ones who need the most

We take concrete actions to solve barriers and mainstream Climate, Biodiversity & Inclusive sustainability transitions
Small scale farmers & Rural communities
Rural value chains, Off-takers,
Small Medium Enterprises
Inclusive Financial Services Providers
Sustainable Finance Value Chains
2nd Tier Lenders
... but it rather facilitates and enables actions of all stakeholders for the benefit of people and the planet.

At the JuST Institute we believe that the only climate & environmental transition is a just transition, and we work to make it happen. We act and move first, but we need you to improve, mainstream and co-build just sustainability transitions. It’s time to join!
Davide Forcella
Director of the JuST Institute
Beyond the members, the JuST Institute has a full ecosystem of institutions and individuals, join us!